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Work Background
My work in the Manufacturing Industry has brought me to various countries for the past 34 years and still counting. I am presently based in Kenya East Africa where the best of nature can offer me as a senior manager and as a content writer.

Work Ethics

Because of the nature of my work, which is considered demanding and stressful, I had to develop my strict work ethics, discipline, consistency, commitment to improving my work with a continuous learning mentality. My work has given me the opportunity to live and work in such countries, namely,  Kenya, Madagascar, Jordan, Egypt, China, and Hongkong.

As a  senior manager, my commitment to "Quality", "On-time Delivery" and "Compliance" has been my guiding principle in serving and satisfying all our customers, based in the United States and Europe. The same principle applies as a freelance Content Writer / Copywriter.

The Value of Research Work
My earlier work as a University Professor ( year 2011 - 2013) when I was offered a teaching position with the Faculty of the College of Business Administration while I was taking up my Masters Degree In Business Administration, has taught me the value of research work which takes 80% percent of my time needed to properly manage and execute my study plan.

The same applies as an academic writer - content writer - the copywriter who needs to fully understand the subject, the business, concerns, and objectives of the customer.

Lucky Sourcing  Group Online is about a Blog on Online Shopping.  A One Stop Shop Online Shopping Blog Site that presents a wide variety of trending Products and Services from Global Suppliers with the following target markets.

- Africa / South East Asia/ Europe / Western / Middle East Markets.

A Shopping Blog that features regular Reviews of related Products and Services for all our Valued Customers and Subscribers.

I help my clients engage with their target audience.



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Hat Shop
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Women's Fine Clothing Shop
Fashionist Reviews

Cycling Gear Shop

Cycling Gear Shop
Cycling Performance Gear and Accessories


