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A discovery of an ancient Egyptian wall painting showed a man wearing a straw hat. Another ancient artwork discoveries from Rome, China and Greece showed early people wearing a hat or a cap to protect them from the forces of nature.

The ancient Greeks also used sun hats, which is  also known as “petasos”.

Status Symbol
Just like with the evolution of the Anklet in my previous blog, the wearing of the hat signified a status symbol in the society. Only the privileged few or persons of authority were allowed to wear a hat in ancient Rome and Greece.  A commoner was not allowed.

The type of material used for hats also had to evolve. Materials made of straw and animal skins were used for producing the early version of the hat. 
Today's modern hat uses leather and textiles such as wool, twills and canvass.

Related short video link: Historical Hats
This four minute short video link shows how different hat shapes from a single hat can represent different eras. Good for your knowledge.

The Fashion Era 
The 18th century made the home hobby hat making,a full time profession. A person involved in the production and selling of custom made commercial hats complete will all the trimmings such as lace, ribbon was referred to as the Milliner.

The Women who had that typical bulky hairdo needed a hat to protect their hair. Good quality and the aristocratic design of the hat was actually produced from skilled Milliners based in Italy.

The transformation of the stylish hat had started in Europe when India had started its cotton trade.The men and women in Europe that wore aristocratic hats were considered to be from the elite class.

Courtesy Image Vintage European Woman Hat

The roaring 1920’s to 1940’s where economies were growing also included the growth of the commercial hat industry. During this growth period, a transformation of the women’s hairdos had also changed the shape and style of the hat, with a more defined shape with wide brims used during the summer season.

With the hat having a deep history, its evolution from ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece and China, to the 18th century up to the 1940’s had transformed the hat into what it is today, having an important role in the world of fashion.

This resulted to the hat having different descriptions according to its use and the occasion. 
Hat descriptions such as the fedora hat, baseball hat, beanie hat, beach hat, bucket hat, bowler hat, visor hat, cap and other descriptions.

At present you will find people with their individual personalities with their unique fashion statements, formal, casual or sports when it comes to their choice of hat.

The  recent royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan  had a full showcase of invited women guest with their traditional wedding hat. There is no doubt, that the hat, is here to stay and will continue to evolve for all the rolling hea

Famous Celebrity Heads As Seen With Their Hats
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